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A hybrid between the medical and fitness industry. Find out more 


From the day that LA PALESTRA opened its doors in December of 1994, programs specifically designed for those members who wished to learn about, and participate in, outdoor adventure and exploration have been part of the standard curriculum.

In January 1996, the LA PALESTRA Expedition Series was created. This program was developed as a way to introduce our members to the possibilities, experiences, and benefits of outdoor activities with a specific emphasis on hiking, trekking, rock climbing, and mountaineering. The major goals of the series are as follows:

1. To suggest an event or experience that would provide each person with a practical application of a specific exercise program.
2. To create a situation where event specific preparation can be done that is both educational and enjoyable.
3. To encourage the use of the environment as both a means and an end toward living a healthier lifestyle while at the same time promoting and hopefully generating a greater understanding and respect for it.

The Expedition Series provides a great variety of possible experiences ranging from day hiking that is purely recreational to highly sophisticated mountaineering experiences. Past expeditions include ascents of Mt. Rainer, rock-climbing in the Grand Teton, treks in Nepal and the Himalayas, and hikes in the Adirondacks.

Regardless of the skill or intensity level of the chosen expedition, all are challenging, require preparation, and are excellent, fitness-program-shaping goals for those members who prefer travel, nature, and the experience of something new over the pursuit of athletic performance in one particular sport or activity. For those expeditions of a more remote or technical nature, we partner with expert guides and travel companies to ensure the safety and comfort of the group.

For more information on our past and present expeditions, please click the links at right.